$40,000 A Month Cohort Writing Challenge (Dickie Bush’s Ship30For30)

Callum McDonnell
4 min readJan 14, 2021


Dear friends,

I’ve missed you and I’m sorry about that.

As we head into 2021 I’m going to be more consistent and specific with you.

That starts today with the first in a series on ‘Twitter’s Most Prolific Product Creators’.

I’m curious:

  1. What products are they selling to their audience?
  2. Which products work and why?
  3. How much money are they making?

If you have ideas for who I should cover — please do send me them.

First up -

Dickie BushShip30for30.com.

What is it?

A co-hort based writing course and challenge that enables you to build a writing habit in 30 days:

Simple enough.

Why do I love this idea?

1/ Dickie solved his own problem:

  • He wanted to write more
  • He wanted to write better
  • He wanted to grow an audience
  • He wanted to to earn more

He found a framework to do this (shipping atomic essays daily) and turned it into a product.

This makes his product really good:

He’s been there and done it, faced the struggles and so he makes sure to address them:

  • Lack of accountability = co-hort enrolment
  • Lack of good information = library of resources
  • Lack of ideas = workshops + templates
  • Lack of time = 30 mins per day
  • Lack of support = community

Valuable Problem ✅

Valuable Solution ✅

But on Twitter you need great distribution.

It needs to be unique, shareable and earn the click, or as Jack Butcher puts it…

Distribution — this is where Dickie wins the game:

Each writer in the cohort is compelled to share their work with the world.

In the last weeks I’ve liked work from brilliant creators on my feed: @louispereira23 @ryangum and @alexhughsam.

The quality of their work is proof of the value the course delivers.

I’m interested.

But Dickie hasn’t had to find me, or persuade these people to promote his product, it’s happened naturally.

He’s created an endless viral loop:

If like me, you see one of these creations…

A click on hashtag #ship30for30 or the simple web address at the bottom of each template, sends would-be customers to Ship30for30.com.

The more customers Dickie finds = the more customers Dickie finds.


Just imagine how much reach he gets if each of his customers shares an essay for 30 days straight.

And when I click that link I more than likely convert…

When you hit the landing page:

Dickie does two things really well:

  • Social proof

The level of social proof on the product landing page would make @5harath and @shoutoutso_ proud.

You trust this product when the likes of Alex lieberman (CEO Morning Brew) and many other familiar names have put their face to it.

  • Price incentives

This is a tactic @stephsmithio has used really successfully and @thepatwalls has highlighted.

The longer you wait… the more you pay… so you should buy now:

Dickie’s setup compels prospects to buy now:

I love this product

I think it demonstrates the huge potential of co-hort based course offerings.

It’s why I’m bullish on the platforms being developed by the likes of @gaganbiyani and @wes_kao.

Dickie has written the playbook for making and marketing them on Twitter.


I hope you enjoyed that and made it this far!

I’m going to enrol on Ship30for30 so will keep you posted on that.

Let me know your thoughts on it and other creators to look at next?

Thanks, and I appreciate you!





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